Thursday, August 02, 2007

So I continue this series on matriculation at 21.

There are so many things I need to understand that just confuse me. Worse, they confound me. To top it off, they tire me.

But I figure this is the only course left to me. I want to make decisions for myself and to do that one must be well-informed. The source has to be reliable and sometimes, only on rare occasions they need to be shouted at. I am sure HSBC will agree.

If we return to a problem that has never been mentioned. Singaporeans. You ask yourself, "Are they really a problem?" The simple answer is yes and no. The complex answer doesn't exist.

No. Its good to have people around you who can occasionally understand utterances of Singlish, who you can follow during those long journeys to and fro and most of all can help you deal with homesickness.

Yes. Because they have always been a problem, because they exert a form of peer pressure and worst of all because they remind you of home.

This problem is as you will realise getting too much attention. But that's something about impending matriculation. Every little thing gets magnified. You over analyse. I try to draw analogies to weddings. Weddings are a celebration of yourself as part of a marriage, a future family unit. University is a celebration of yourself as an individual, it only really happens once. You need it to be done right.

The good news is that I am increasingly apathetic. I am leaving it to the heavens, to fate, to God. Honestly, who cares if I am missing a pencil, a pillow or even a fully functioning bank account? Who does?

I need to go. If you think some trivial thing has distracted me, well you are almost certainly right but you will never get me to admit that.


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